Sunday, October 11, 2009

WICC’s Display in Oak Hall at SVCC

Come visit WICC’s display in Oak Hall at SVCC. We should be there for at least two months. Please thank Brian Shelly for coordinating this wonderful display opportunity. More info and images to follow…

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Lavender Wind Farm’s 4th Annual Festival

Five members of the Whidbey Island Camera Club supported the Lavender Wind Farm’s 4th Annual Festival last weekend. The winds were slight and the rain just enough to send us shivering for cover. The music was exceptional and food deliciosa. We learned how to make lemonade in a fragile economy... Admittedly, we didn’t make much money but we shared the comradery of canopy pitching and general company keeping. We caught a glimpse of what it means to be a working artist and why so many artists keep the day job.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Display at Whidbey Island’s SNO-ISLE Library

Plan to visit the Whidbey Island Camera Club’s photo display at Whidbey Island’s branch of SNO-ISLE Library May 1st to 15th.

We’ve received many wonderful compliments as well as a request for membership info.

Special thanks to our displayers.
Joan Nienhuis, Brian Shelly, Elaine Torres, John McDonald, John Pendleton, Andy Nielson, Charles (Chuck) Beaudoin, Elysia Wiesen, Joy Pralle

Tuesday, March 17, 2009



One thing that makes a photo attractive to a viewer is finding new or unexpected elements as the eyes wander over the image. Paying attention to composition is a way to make your photo attractive.
Photos communicate a message. Ask yourself, what do I want to communicate? Paying attention to composition assures that your message will be clear.

Composition is the arrangement of the photo’s elements and includes many aspects.

1) As you look through your view finder (or LCD screen), what elements of the photo are essential to communicate your message? Are there some elements that confuse the message? Could they be removed if you moved a few feet, bent down, etc.?

2) Are you close enough to your subject or using a telephoto lens so that your subject is prominent? Zooming in without eliminating essential elements strengthens your photo.

3) Is your message better communicated by turning your camera 90 degrees (vertical photo)? Since most photos are taken with a horizontal frame, presenting a vertical composition may make your photo unique and interesting.

4) Are there lines you can include in your photo to draw the viewers’ eyes to your subject? While horizontal and vertical lines are seen as “static,” diagonal or curved lines are viewed as “dynamic,” leading the viewer along and suggesting depth or distance. Would moving your location include a curved path or a fence line to your scene? Is there a repetitive pattern of lines you can include that would give strength to your message? Triangles and squares can also move eyes while circles go nowhere. Our eyes naturally seek to find pattern in what we see and your composition can help that be an important part of your photo.

5) Can you place your subject off-center? Viewers find a scene more pleasing if the subject is not at the center of the composition. Impose on your scene the lines of a tic tac toe game and try to put the subject of your scene at one of the four line intersections. (This is called the “rule of thirds” by those who know.) The combination of an off-center subject with lines leading to it makes a powerful composition.

6) Is the photo balanced? With an off-center subject, is there something in the rest of the photo that creates a sense of balance? This “something” should not compete with the importance of the subject. Its purpose is to present a pleasing scene to the eye.

The aspects of good composition are a lot to remember. You may want to make a written checklist to use until looking for these elements becomes habit. With digital cameras, you can experiment. Take a variety of photos varying the angle or viewpoint. Try the same scene different times of the day (shadows cause lines).

Below is a photo of Mt. Rainier at sunrise from Freund’s Hill (Barrington Dr.). How would you judge the composition? What would you have done differently?
Submitted By Joan Nienhuis

Thursday, January 29, 2009

The Infrared Effect

Martin Evening, in The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Book, gives a suggestion for an infrared effect. Choose a photo with lots of foliage. You begin by making the green as green as possible by adjusting white balance and tint. Then click grayscale. In the grayscale panel, set the yellow and green sliders to maximum and aqua to 50 or more. Set the recovery slider to maximum. Adjusting the clarity to a negative value will help the image appear more diffuse. You can experiment with the split tone panel, adding a slight blue cast. Note my sample of Lake Pondilla in the Fort Ebey State Park.

Joan Nienhuis

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Summary of 2nd Annual Open House

January’s Theme: New Beginnings

Our 2nd Annual Open House went well. House business was purposely kept to a minimum and we quickly proceeded to image show & tell. Many presented and endured their rebukes without tears.

A sincere thank you is expressed to everyone for their hard work. Lora’s soup was four-bowel delicious & Audrey’s homemade cookies forced everyone to break at least one ’09 resolution. I am glad they are on our side!

Several members displayed their awesome work. At least five had breakout sessions and demonstrations. We had four new faces and that’s not including my family. Our newest members expressed an interesting in learning more about their newly acquired technologies; while, our older members were more than happy to discuss F-Stops, apertures, and Adobe techniques. Everybody walked away satisfied.

A Time of giving

John McDonald, BBJ Productions, is coordinating an effort to donate art work to the local Boys and Girls Club. Please contact John directly if would like to participate.

February’s theme

The theme for February, in acknowledgment of Valentines, is LOVE. Willingly let love guide your focus on a romantic adventure. Bag two images and be prepared to speak of your epic triumphant.

Change on the horizon

Our new steering committee met Tuesdays 9th to develop an evolution plan for ’09. These suggestion or recommendations will be presented during our February meeting. Our next meeting will be 80% business. We’ll discuss shaping our camera group into a due collecting camera club. We’ll also discuss inner circle benefits. Please review the attached BETA application and comment ad lib.
Please be reminded that our next meeting is February 17th at 6:30 pm.

Promise and Fulfillment

As promised we’re opening our new year with a bang. At our March meeting Whidbey Island photographer Denis Hill is scheduled to give an inspirational talk about photography as an art form. Stay tuned…more info to follow.

Internet Presence

In an effort to establish an internet identify, I setup a blog for our club. Please submit articles for publishing. Dee Stiller has accepted the position as our new webmaster. Michelle is relocating to San Diego soon and we would like to thank her for her foundational work. More good news to come….

John P.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Second Annual Open House

WICC's Second Annual Open House is scheduled Januray 20,2009 at 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Skagit Community Collge, Room 306. Please bring friends, family, snacks & refreshments. We'll have a brief business meeting follwed by presentations, food, & fun!